

  ECO FARMING Super Active Organic Fertilizer is the result of agricultural research of more than 8 years that has been tested and proven that ECO FARMING is able to restore soil fertility, making plants healthy and productive, and environmentally friendly. Formula ECO FARMING has completed nutritional needs of plants and positive bacteria (decomposers) for Soil Fertility Restoration so that it meets the ideal Argo ecosystem requirements IDEAL AGROECOSISTEM: SOIL or LAND has physical properties (structure and texture), chemical properties (Cation Exchange Capacity / CEC and acidity / pH), biological properties (organic matter, positive bacteria as decomposers), etc. ➡ SOIL FERTILITY RESTORATION PLANT needs complete nutrition of 13 nutrients consisting of Primary Macro (N, P & K), Secondary Macro (S, Ca and Mg), Micro (Cl, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, B and Mo) etc. ➡ PRODUCTIVE HEALTHY PLANTS WATER (Quality and mineral content), AIR (Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen), Climate, Weather, growing e...


Kontrak 300 Milyar |  Bismillah Bisnisku  | Eco Racing | Eco Farming |  Habspro |  Katalog Produk  | Product Summary |  B-Maxx  | LVN Calsium |  Sabun Collagen |  LVN Collagenia  |  LVN Crystal V  |  Flip Chart 1  |  Flip Chart 2  |  Air Mata Menetes  |  Video  |  Marketing Plan  |  Tutorial  |  About Me  |  FaceBook  |  YouTube  | BISMILLAAH, INILAH BISNISKU, SEMOGA ALLAH BERKAHI .... AAMIIN Perkenalkan, nama saya Haris Fadhilah Syarif, saya ingin memberikan info mengenai bisnis yang saya jalankan. Lewat seorang sahabat di Australia saya diperkenalkan dengan BEST CORPORATION - SYARIAH. Untuk mengenal lebih jauh mengenai perusahaan ini, silahkan lihat video di bawah ini. LEGALITAS PT BEST 👇👇👇 LIPUTAN TV MENGENAI PT BEST 👇👇👇 🥉 LEGALITAS LENGKAP Semua dokumen perusahaan yang menyangkut legalitas dan perizinan lengkap dan aman. ?...


Kontrak 300 Milyar  |  Bismillah Bisnisku  |  Eco Racing  |  Eco Farming  |  Habspro  |  Katalog Produk  |  Product Summary  |  B-Maxx  |  LVN Calsium  |  Sabun Collagen  |  LVN Collagenia  |  LVN Crystal V  |  Flip Chart 1  |  Flip Chart 2  |  Air Mata Menetes  |  Video  |  Marketing Plan  |  Tutorial  |  About Me  |  FaceBook  |  YouTube  | ALLAH SEMBUHKAN DARI STROKE DENGAN WASILAH LVN COLLAGEN, HABSPRO DAN EVITGO 👇👇👇 SEMINAR / PRESENTASI LENGKAP PT BEST 👇👇👇 PRESENTASI BISNIS GO BERKAH NO RIBA 👇👇👇 MARKETING PLAN PT BEST 👇👇👇 SEMINAR CARA CEPAT SUKSES PT BEST 👇👇👇 Kontrak 300 Milyar  |  Bismillah Bisnisku  |  Eco Racing  |  Eco Farming  |  Habspro  |  Katalog Produk  |  Product Summary  |  B-Maxx ...


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